Say No to Violence and Discrimination

Discrimination - in all its possible forms and expressions - is one of the most common forms of human rights violations and abuse. It affects millions of people everyday stifling opportunities, harming physical and mental health, wasting human talent and accentuating social tensions and inequalities.
Online, discriminatory hate speech towards players and coaches during international tournaments is all too common.
NO DISCRIMINATION is an awareness, education and action campaign designed to inspire change and action on discrimination. Our goal is to rid the football world of discrimination.
We all have a part to play.

The project was planned with a wide range of interests, activities and a large target group. The mainhorizontal priorities are inclusion and diversity, at the same time the development of digitalcompetences is very important too, as well as the involvement of children with learning and otherdifficulties and development of teachers\' methodological tools among sector-specific priorities.However, it is difficult to match the activities to those priorities. On the one hand, the activities arediverse (IT, literature, traditions, politics, language, discrimination, religion), but on the other hand,they are not focused or concrete, they are also loosely connected to each other. The reason thatmakes more difficult to understand the priorities is the lack of preliminary needs. It is not clear whatbinds these schools together, how they experienced such a need to satisfy. When describing theinstitutions, it turns out that no institution has any inclusion problems. The only thing that clips themis the language learning, but it does not explain international cooperation.

Magyar Tanítási Nyelvű Magángimnázium Smetana liget 286/9 Dunaszerdahely   |   Tel: +421/31/5525323   |   Mobil: +421/908/196847   |   E-mail: posta@mgds.eu